
Monday, December 29, 2014

Thank You 2014!

We want to send a big THANK YOU to all our clients of 2014 for making it such a wonderful year. You support and trust are what make our business what it is and gives us a great sense of community to be helping you and your families.

A big change we experienced in 2014 was opening up our own office space. Having a downtown office allows us to be more accessible to our potential clients and gives us a common meeting place for all our business transactions. We are always up for a visit so feel free to stop in a say hi!

I have truly enjoyed teaming up with my dad to sell real estate this past year. Working with people has always been a passion of mine. Being able to assist home owners and potential buyers through the process is what I am passionate about.

We look forward to a new year and wish you all the best in 2015! 


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