
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Grain Elevator for sale in Lowe Farm, Manitoba

Do you or someone you know need to have some extra convenient grain storage?!?

This grain elevator that has just been listed and is FOR SALE in Lowe Farm, Manitoba, Like many of our agriculture landmarks it has some history behind it. 

Elevator information taken from the Manitoba Elevator website

The community of Lowe Farm, Manitoba has a single grain elevator, a former Manitoba Pool structure. This elevator was built in 1937 by the Lowe Farm Co-Operator Elevator Association Limited. The top of this elevator was damaged on July 20, 1998 by strong winds but was quickly repaired.

There were other Lowe Farm grain elevators:
- Several private elevators, starting in 1898
Farmer’s Elevator Company elevator, built in 1905, sold to Western Canada Flour Mills, sold to Manitoba Pool Elevators in 1940, becoming the second Pool elevator in Lowe Farms, burned August 1953
Canadian Consolidated Grain Company elevator, built in 1904, sold to UGG in 1954, sold to MPE in 1976 and demolished on May 7, 1984.
This the last standing grain elevator in Lowe Farm, Manitoba has been upgraded and maintained over the years, comes with 140,000 bushel storage and is FOR SALE!

For any additional info please don't hesitate to call Terry @ 204-745-7700!


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